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HUMAN Round Table on Business and Human Rights

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Human, a partnerschip between ICCO Cooperation, PwC, CNV Internationaal, and VBDO is organizing a round table next 8 June regarding practical tools on how to conduct human rights due diligence and integrate it in broader sustainability processes.

Due diligence is the starting point of an effective implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Performing good human rights due diligence allows companies to identify human rights issues before they escalate. Through very practical workshops and sharing experiences with peers we aim to enable participants to take their human rights due diligence to the next step. Existing tools to conduct due diligence in a practical and efficient way will be explained and how to apply them.

Integrating human rights due diligence in food and finance

The programme starts with a presentation on context & lessons from the Corporate Human Rights Benchmarks (CHRB). Furthermore ICCO and CNV Internationaal will present workshop session on a practical tool for conducting human rights due diligence for food companies. PwC and VBDO will present a workshop session on integrating human rights due diligence in broader sustainability processes: experiences in the financial sector.

What is HUMAN?

HUMAN is a partnership between ICCO Cooperation, PwC, CNV Internationaal, and VBDO to advance the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights in the Netherlands. In the past four years, the HUMAN conferences successfully facilitated a dialogue between companies, investors, civil society organizations, research institutions, and governments on human rights & business. In 2016 we continued this dialogue in the form of three informative roundtables. In 2017, we aim to further increase our impact and support in translating the aspirations of the UNGPs in solid business practice.

Publication date 06 06 2017