Learn more about various areas, supply chains and themes that CNV Internationaal is committed to.
Outsourcing can involve risks which lead to violations of labour rights, often difficult to identify through standard due diligence measures.
We are committed to fair work for the people who make our clothes. Think living wages, healthy and safe working conditions and being free to join the union of your choice.
Millions of people work in palm oil plantations. They are the indispensable workforce of the sector, but their fundamental labour rights are often not respected.
Social dialogue and living wages are driving innovation in the cane sugar sector, which previously focused on economic and environmental sustainability.
Millions of workers worldwide simply don’t earn enough money to support themselves and their families. It’s not uncommon for countries to have no agreements establishing a minimum wage.
A living wage and a safe working environment are important topics for unions when negotiating with employers. In order to be able to represent workers properly, unions can use CNV Internationaals' 100% Fair Work Monitor.
All over the world trade union support women and girls who have to deal with harassment and violence at work.
Labour rights are human rights! CNV Internationaal sees the recognition and, above all, the observance of workers' rights as a central pillar.
In Africa, 70% of the population is under the age of 30. There is a large gap between the supply and demand of labour.
Social dialogue is indispensable for improving work, working conditions and income.
Achieving equal labour rights for women and more control in the workplace is important to fight discrimination, such as the wage gap.