100% Fair Work, that's what CNV Internationaal together with our partner unions representing in Africa, Asia and Latin America strives to achieve. We dedicate ourselves to improve the position of working people around the world every day.
In 1967 we started supporting independent trade unions in Africa, Latin America and Asia to improve working conditions for workers in the formal and informal economies.
Think of wages high enough to live on, a safe workplace for women as well as men, the right to negotiate on behalf of a trade union and a stronger position for female and young workers. Conditions far from achieved in many countries in the world.
Our work
We are the development organisation of the Dutch trade union CNV, and we work closely with international partner unions. We train partners from abroad to become strong negotiating partners in their own countries to strengthen the voice of workers young people and women.
We do this mainly by providing training programmes, exchanging knowledge and using our stakeholder network. In addition, we work together with the Dutch government and the Dutch business community in making their international production chains more sustainable, e.g. by providing advice and laying down commitments for international responsible business conduct in international RBC agreements.
CNV International aims to:
- Improve labour rights, especially in the value chains
- Strengthen inclusive social dialogue
- Realise equal labour rights for women and empower women at work
- Increase youth employability
We focus on improving labour rights, especially in these supply chains
Work in progress
Learn more on the impact of our work
Where we work | Countries and chains

Who we are - organisation
CNV Internationaal is an independent foundation, closely linked to the National Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CNV) in the Netherlands, the second trade union confederation in the Netherlands.
Together with its partner organisations, CNV Internationaal protects and promotes workers' rights based on the principles of international solidarity, personal responsibility, social dialogue and pluralism.
Who we are: organisation, board and team>
Working together | Donors and partners
CNV Internationaal is grateful to be able to perform their work due to the cooperation and support of a large number of parties.
Through a multi-year grant from the special Trade Union Co-financing Programme, CNV Internationaal receives support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the implementation of the Dialogue@Work programme.
Furthermore CNV Internationaal participates in the strategic partnershipSTITCH: Sustainable Textile Initiative: Together for ChangeThanks to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we are able to work together with the Fair Wear Foundation, Mondiaal FNV, the Ethical Trading Initiative, the Centre for Development and Integration in Vietnam, and Cividep India, to improve the position of workers in the textile industry.
Other projects
CNV Internationaal also has a number of other collaborative projects which are made possible through the support of various entities:
- Agreements on International Responsible Business Conduct with Dutch Companies and government in various supply chains, currently metals and renewable energy.
- The Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) Beyond Coal
- RVO Shiraka training by the Hague Academy
- RVO Palm oil (Indonesia)
- Proforest Social Dialogue Landcape Programme in Siak and Pelalawan, Indonesia
- Regional Timber and Construction Fund for Africa and Latin America
- PREP4Change La Isla/United States Department of Labor
- HRDD Awareness for Trade Unions and Enployers of Cambodia and Vietnam
- RVO Occupational Health and Safety in Mining (Bolivia and Peru)
- Boost HRDD program
Private donors
CNV Internationaal is also grateful for the support of private donors. We wouldn’t be able to do our work without them.