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Privacy statement

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Welcome to CNV's privacy statement. In this privacy statement we explain the legal background of privacy in more detail. Certain legal terms are explained and we explain on which articles of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: GDPR) the storage of your data is based.


The GDPR is the overarching law that has applied in the Netherlands and the other EU member states since May 25, 2018. We explain in detail which personal data we process about you, what we process your personal data for, what retention periods apply and what rights you have with regard to your personal data. For the sake of clarity, CNV Internationaal connected to CNV, therefore in this text CNV refers to CNV Internationaal as well. This privacy statement therefore relates to all data that these parties process and the services they offer. CNV has appointed a Data Protection Officer, namely: Eva de Wit. The Data Protection Officer is the person in the organization who manages CNV's privacy policy.

Do you have questions about the way CNV processes personal data? Please feel free to contact us using the details below.