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Ebola prevention through Trade Union Networks in Africa

Webinar > Labour rights in South Africa's Mining Sector

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Although the Ebola epidemic is waning, the danger is by no means over in Guinea. Through its broad trade union network, CNV trade union partner CNTG can reach and educate local communities in the farthest corners.

Although the Ebola epidemic is waning, the danger is by no means over. About 50 people succumb to Ebola every day. In Guinea, the fight against Ebola is a difficult struggle, partly because of mistrust of the poorly functioning government

With its broad trade union network, CNTG can reach and educate employees in local communities in the farthest corners of Guinea. CNV Internationaal has donated an amount of € 11,700 to this cause in 2014 and initiated a dedicated Ebola Fund for continued support of this project.

The gifts are earmarked for Ebola prevention and education by CNV partner organisation CNTG in Guinea. The Ebola virus has claimed thousands of lives in Africa this year. Wherever people live and work together, the risk of infection is significant. This is why trade union CNTG in Guinea has initiated a preventive educational campaign.

CNV leaders support Ebola Prevention

On the occasion of their departure, Eric de Macker (President of CNV Publieke Zaak) and Cees Kuiper (General Secretary of CNV Onderwijs) collected contributions to CNV Internationaal's Ebola Fund. Since 1 January, CNV Onderwijs and CNV Publieke Zaak have formed a new trade union called CNV Connectief. Eric de Macker and Cees Kuiper have said their goodbyes to CNV during the last weeks.

Both directors are very committed to the work of CNV Internationaal. This is why they did not request any personal parting gifts, but instead preferred contributions to Ebola projects run by CNV partner unions in Africa. We are pleased to announce that so far over € 2,000 has been collected, and more money is coming in.

Ebola Fund Donations for continued prevention

We still need your generous contributions! If you want to support this cause, send your donation to:

NL16 INGB 000 12 55 300, to CNV Internationaal, stating “Ebola Fund”

Publication date 01 02 2015