FNV, CNV and the Clean Clothes Campaign wanted to offer a letter as Dutch signal against arrests and support for the union leaders in Bangladesh today, February 16. But the Embassy did not accept to receive the letter because a few people - outside the embassy grounds - with flags had not been announced in advance.
"Even the embassy here in The Hague refuses to accept a declaration of Dutch organizations that advocate freedom of trade union leaders, because a few people are standing outside on the sidewalk with flags. This seems typical of the standard attitude of the government in Bangladesh," responds CNV vice chairman Arend van Wijngaarden.

Photo: Merel Maissan
In fact this is a violation of the fundamental freedom of trade unions to demonstrate. The trade union movement in Bangladesh is struggling constantly with heavy opposition and violations of trade union freedoms.
CNV, FNV and Clean Clothes Campaign wanted to express their solidarity with the Bangladesh trade union movement at the global day of action proclaimed by international trade union organisations Industriall, UNI and ITUC against the arrest of 26 trade union leaders and layoffs of 1,600 activists and workers in the textile sector in Bangladesh.
Publication date 16 02 2017