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New tool helps companies to map risks in minerals value chain

Webinar > Labour rights in South Africa's Mining Sector

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Due Dilligence Risk Matrix covers 39 raw materials

Parties to the International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector are launching a new tool: the Due Diligence Risk Matrix. The Matrix has been developed by CNV Internationaal. It provides an overview of the risks for 39 main raw materials within the metals sector.

The Risk Matrix can be used during step 2  of the OECD Due Diligence process by all companies that work with metals and minerals in their value chains. The Matrix provides insight into the key risks that may occur in value chains. 

It also shows the probability of these risks per product and per production country. Countries have been selected on the basis of their (potential) production capacity of a raw material.

Assessment of 13 Risks

The Matrix assesses raw materials on the severity and likelihood of 13 risks: 

  1. discrimination & gender,
  2. forced labour (2 indexes),
  3. child labour,
  4. labour rights
  5. fair wages,
  6. freedom of association,
  7. environmental issues,
  8. ecological threat,
  9. biodiversity
  10. deforestation
  11. water use and water availability
  12. corruption
  13. land tenure

Indexes have been chosen as according to being relevant in conducting the necessary preliminary research. The matrix provides a quick insight into a country’s (operating) context. 


Project health and safety risks in mining

After companies have identified the major risks, they can jointly tackle them within the Agreement through joint projects, together with social organisations. For example, one of these projects is focussed on the health and safety risks in metal mines in Peru and Bolivia in which CNV Internationaal also participates.

Learn more:  health and safety risks case


Previously CNV Internationaal also developed a similar matrix for the food industry supply chain 

Publication date 24 01 2024