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Including labour rigths and social dialogue in palm oil landscape programmes 

Webinar > Labour rights in South Africa's Mining Sector

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Proforest landscape programmes Indonesia


CNV International currently cooperates with two landscape programmes in the palm oil sector in Indonesia:

  • Proforest in the Siak Pelalawan Landscape on Sumatra 
  • Kaleka in Central Kalimantan. 

The aim is to include labour rights and social dialogue in these landscape programmes in order to allow more sustainability, environmentally as well as socially. 

How we contribute to increasing the social aspects of sustainability

Factsheets, guidances and reports developed by CNV Internationaal for this project.

Social dialogue

FACTSHEET Social Dialogue in the palmoil sector in Indonesia
Strengthening Social Dialogue on Palm Oil Plantations in Siak and Pelalawan (powerpoint)

Social dialogue, freedom of association and collective bargaining

Guidance Paper on Social Dialogue, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in the palm oil sector in Indonesia

Improved labour conditions

Strengthening Social Dialogue on Palm Oil Plantations in Siak and Pelalawan (powerpoint)

Casual daily workers' rights

Strengthening Social Dialogue on Palm Oil Plantations in Siak and Pelalawan (powerpoint)

How trade unions can advocate for Casual Daily Workers’ Rights

Executive summary


Gender committees

Strengthening Social Dialogue on Palm Oil Plantations in Siak and Pelalawan (powerpoint)