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How to set up a constructive social dialogue

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How to set up a constructive social dialogue

Henk van Beers works for CNV Vakmensen, the CNV private sector union. On a regular basis he shares his experiences in Indonesia. He is there to support his Indonesian colleagues with his experience and expertise from the Netherlands.

Officially, every employee in Indonesia has the right to join a trade union and be represented by that union. However, practical implementation of these agreements is challenging in Indonesia. There are many rules, but actual dialogue or negotiations are difficult. Each company usually has its own agreements. This creates a lot of unrest."

Creating multicompany agreements in Indonesia

A few years ago, local trade union KSBSI started a project for collective labour agreements per sector or region, with the support of CNV Internationaal.

An intensive process that is starting to pay off, as shows this short video

Foto blog: Creating multicompany CBA's in Indonesia