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IRBC Metal

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International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector

Globally, the demand for metal is rising, while the steel sector is the backbone of the production for many products and technologies. Dutch metalcompanies are largely dependent on the import of raw materials on for their production. The metalsector, specifcally their extraction, trade and processing of raw materials, has a high potential risk on the violation of human rights, fundamental labourrights and environmental and biodiversity norms. Moreover, the sector has a negative impact on local communities.

The international supply chains of the raw material are often complicated to understand and complex to untangle. The traceability of the materials is limitedly transparent, as the Dutch metalsector is using much recycled metal. CNV and other trade unions, companies and associations, the government and the NGOs signed the IRBC agreement 'together towards responsible metalchains' on the 23th of May 2019.

  • Start: The 1st of July 2019
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Stakeholders: CNV, FNV, companies and associations in the metalsector; the government and NGOs. Take a look at the current list 
  • Secretary: The Social Economic Council (SER)
  • Main goals CNV: Participation in the steering committee, working and taskgroup and project. Sharing knowledge and the local network to support due diligence; Therefore adressing the biggest risks on human and labourrights violations.
Check out the factsheet of the Dutch IRBC agreement on the metal sectorMore information on the Dutch IRBC Agreements


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