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IRBC Forestry

Agreement to Promote Sustainable Forestry

By buying sustainbly produced wood, we make sure our forrests will be conserved for our and future generations. With this sustainably produced forestry, there is a guarantee the forrests are being sustainbly managed and social, ecological and economic factors are taken into account.

  • Start: The 22th of March 2017
  • Duration: Until the 31th of December 2020
  • Stakeholders: 24 parties and the supporting FSC Nederland (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC Nederland.
  • Secretary:  Stichting Bewust met Hout (Foundation Bewust met Hout)
  • Main goals CNV: Participation in the steering committee and boosting the working group 'IMVO risico's' ('IRBC risks')

Check out the factsheet of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Forestry

More information on the Dutch IRBC Agreements


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