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IRBC Food Products Sector

Agreement for the Food Products Sector

The food products sector (food product industry and supermarkts) contribute greatly to the Dutch economy. The secor facilitates jobs for 435.000 persons and has a total revenue of around 101 bilion euro. Many food products or ingredients, which are available in Dutch shops, are produced outside the Netherlands.

Worldwide the food products sector is a big industry with a high risk on childlabour, unsafe workenvironments, excessive use of pesticides, crowding out small farms and unfair prices. Often those problems are so complex, a single company can not change anything about this. Therefore, a broad coalition of stakeholders have signed this agreement to take steps to stop human rights violations in the food products value chains.

  • Start: The 29th of June 2018 
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Stakeholders: Initially 11 parties and 1 supporter. Take a look at the current list 
  • Secretary:  The Social Economic Council (SER)
  • Main goals CNV: Participation in the steering committee and participation in the working group living wages; sharing knowledge with local network on IRBC-riskmanagement
Check out the factsheet of the Dutch Agreement on the Foods Products SectorMore information on the Dutch IRBC Agreements


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