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Strengthening social dialogue at company level in Haiti

CNV Internationaal organised, at the request of Heineken, and with the support of the ITUC, a training seminar on social dialogue for the executive board of the trade union SYTBRANA, affiliated to the CTSP, ITUC affiliate in Latin America, and the management of BRANA, the brewery of Heineken in Haiti.

The training took place from the 13th till the 15th of March in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, with the financial support of the Trade Union Development Cooperation Programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The objective of the training was to build capacity on social dialogue and negotiation skills in order to contribute to a constructive social dialogue between the management of BRANA and the trade union SYTBRANA and to work towards improved labour relations. With trade union expertise of CNV and expertise of the Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme (DECP) the programme was able to provide tailor-made advice and to facilitate towards improved knowledge and skills for the benefits of both sides, the employer as well as the trade union.

On the 15th of March, the last day of the training, the trade union SYTBRANA and the management of BRANA presented their commitment and concrete roadmap to improve communication, showing mutual respect and building confidence, forming the basis for consolidating social dialogue.