During the past three years, 18 representatives from trade union KSBSI and employers’ organisation APINDO in Indonesia have received training on how to conduct social dialogue. “The enthusiasm and determination in their eyes is giving us faith that social dialogue will be fundamentally embedded in Indonesia,” says Anneke Westerlaken, President of CNV Internationaal. “Today we are celebrating the steps we’ve taken as unions and employers over the last years to achieve social dialogue. We are also looking ahead: How can we make sure that our local partners can become independent and qualified in applying the methods for social dialogue?”
Both KSBSI and employers organisation APINDO are convinced that this is necessary. Westerlaken asserts, “In times when the government involves itself with everything, which negatively impacts the youth and future generations, it becomes the task of social partners to cooperate in order to find good solutions together. ”President of VNO-NCW/DECP (Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers), Hans de Boer agrees. “Indonesia is facing challenges on economic, demographic, and technological levels. This is an important momentum for employers and unions to let their voices be heard together. We support this process with the Indonesia Social Dialogue Programme.”
Today, during the State visit to Indonesia, there was a ceremonial meeting due to DECP and CNV Internationaal’s social dialogue programme. During this meeting, President of CNV Internationaal Anneke Westerlaken, Hans de Boer of VNO-NCW/DECP, Mr Hariyadi of APINDO, and Ms Elly Rosita signed a document stating their intentions to embed social dialogue in Indonesia.
After the parties signed this declaration, the representatives from APINDO and KSBSI received certificates to mark their completion of the 3-year training programme put on by DECP and CNV Internationaal.

Publication date 25 03 2020