CNV International organized a round table discussion on gender-related violence in the clothing industry in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on April 30.
The CNV International representative in Cambodia, Mr. Veasna Nuon, took the initiative to organize the event chaired by CNV International and the Cambodian Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training.
The Ministry of Labour, and the employers' organization GMAC in particular, were interested in conducting joint research by multiple parties and a joint action plan to tackle the problems.
Responding to problems together
In addition, GMAC has offered their cooperation with trade unions when cases of violations by management are reported. The Cambodian Labor Confederation (CLC) suggested planning regular meetings to update each other and work together to respond to the identified problems.

Prevention and intervention
With this initiative, CNV also hopes to have initiated a process of strengthening trust between the various stakeholders to enhance further dialogue on the prevention and intervention of gender-based violence in the Cambodian clothing sector.
Important participants in the round table meeting were high representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training of Cambodia, Cambodian trade unions (CLC and CCTU), employer organizations (CAMFEBA and GMAC), international brands (H&M and GAP) and some national and international NGOs, including ILO Better Factories Cambodia and CARE International.
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Publication date 01 05 2019