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Labour rights in supply chains

Webinar invitation> Labour rights in South Africa's  Mining Sector

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CNV Internationaal aims at improving labour rights of low wage workers in private sector supply chains (formal and informal workers): to organise and bargain collectively, to decent wages, to safe and respectful working conditions, to gender equity and to freedom from workplace discrimination.


CNV Internationaal aims at improving labour rights in the following sectors: textiles,  agro-food industry, metal and,, mining. In these sectors, CNV Internationaal is well positioned to influence decision-making for the benefit of workers. To improve labour rights within these sectors, various intermediate steps are required.

  1. Through action taken by consumers, trade unions, NGOs and business/employer organisations, companies will be made aware of the benefits of responsible business conduct, which will encourage them to negotiate on Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) in agreements. 
  2. The Dutch covenants via multi-stakeholder dialogue are an important vehicle for progress. The selected sectors are the point of departure for interventions with multinationals and/or small-medium enterprise in these formal and/or informal supply chains. 
  3. CNV Internationaal advocates the ratification and compliance with ILO conventions and the formulation of recommendations if rights are violated.

In addition, governments need to be monitored on the development and implementation of National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights by seeking cooperation with European and national parliaments.

Furthermore, the negotiation and implementation of EU Free Trade Agreements needs to be monitored, with special attention to assuring implementation of monitoring mechanisms through Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Parliament (EP).

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These are international core labour rightsParticipating in the development of Dutch covenants responsible business conduct