Decent Work
Living Wage
What is Collective Bargaining?
The right to Collective Bargaining (CB) allows workers to freely negotiate their working conditions with their employers. These rights apply to all workers, regardless of their race, religion, gender, occupation, nationality, or political opinion. CB is the process of all negotiations between an employers or an employers’
>About CBA's Collective Bargaining Agreements
What is Freedom of Association?
Freedom of association (FoA) is the right of workers to join and form trade unions or organizations of their choosing. FoA is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Conventions. It includes the right to freedom of assembly, association, and trade union membership.
What is a Trade Union? Trade unions are independent, membership-based organizations of workers, constituted for the purpose of furthering and defending the interests of workers. They represent and negotiate on behalf of working people. Unions provide advice to workers who are often unaware of their rights, and they can also negotiate with employers to improve wages and working conditions.