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OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains Partner session

Webinar invitation> Labour rights in South Africa's  Mining Sector

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"Walking the extended value chain together in collaboration to tackle adverse human rights and environmental impacts"

Due Diligence multistakeholder partnerships for Just Transition in the Metals and Renewable Energy sector 

With the global energy transition and the exponential growth in demand for alternative energy sources, coal mines are closing. As a result, the demand for metals required for the energy transition is increasing. 

This is dramatically changing the landscape of metals supply chains in terms of access to minerals, demand for value in sourcing countries, and due diligence risks that can't be identified through traditional due diligence measures. 

Partnerships are needed to ensure a just and sustainable transition for all. In this interactive session, international multi-stakeholder initiatives from the Netherlands and Germany, including various parties to the International Responsible Business Agreements for the International Responsible Business Agreements for the Metals and Renewable Energy sectors, will present several unique multi-stakeholder approaches. 


These initiatives involve companies, NGOs, trade unions and governments and show that collaborations are the way to address human rights and environmental due diligence risks from a business continuity perspective. 

Exemplary collective supply chain improvement projects from Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Indonesia showcase the facts and benefits of working together. 

Various members of the International RBC Agreements, both companies and due diligence experts, will share their perspectives, experiences, best practices, practical methodologies and lessons learned on these collective initiatives as an excellent way to prepare for upcoming due diligence legislation and to identify and mitigate risks in the minerals value chain.

Panelists for the session

  • Linking RBC multistakeholder initiatives to upcoming EU legislation and the energy transition; the synergy of Dutch and German initiatives in the value chain of Metals and Renewables.
    • Sila Yelmenoğlu: Policy officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands - RBC member of the Metals and Renewables Agreements.
    • Lars Stetter; Secretariat German Sector Dialogues Business and Human Rights (automotive and energy)
  • The benefits of the multi-stakeholder agreement process; collaboration between parties and efficient due diligence tools in the metals/renewables value chain explained.
    • Anouk van Esch; SER (Social and Economic Council), secretary from the International RBC Metals Agreement and Renewable Energy Agreement.
    • Martha Selwyn; Social Impact Lead, SSE Renewables; company member from the Renewable Energy Agreement.
  • Best practices in the field; OSH chain risks in Latin America, a practical method of upstream collaboration between trade unions and companies Tata Steel, Nyrstar and Wupperman.
    • Jeroen Dekkers; Responsible Sourcing manager, Tata Steel Netherlands; company member from the Metals Agreement.
    • Elles  van Ark; Managing Director, CNV Internationaal; member of the Metals and Renewables Agreements.

This partner session will be moderated by Andrew Britton, CEO of Kumi Consulting. 


The positive trend to move towards renewable energy globally needs to be supported by a sustainable and responsible supply of metals. This session gives solutions to tackle negative impacts from a multi-stakeholder perspective. 

For further questions: 


Save the date


Wednesday 22 May 2024 

14.00-15.30 hours p.m. CET



OECD Headquarters - Auditorium

Room CC15


The entrance is located at:

2, rue André Pascal


Spanish interpretation available

OECD forum registration requiered

Please note! If you want to participate in this partner session, you need to be registered for the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains 2024. To register, visit the OECD-website: 2024 Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains (registration will close 15 May)