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Webinar: Workers' voice in Human Rights Due Diligence policy

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Missed our STITCH webinar during the OECD garment forum? Watch it here.

During the OECD garment forum CNV Internationaal contributed to a side session as a part of the STITCH partnership, to inspire industry alignment on meaningful stakeholder engagement within human rights due diligence (HRDD) in the garment and textile industry.

This emphasised the central roles of production country stakeholders and several practical tools were shared. The speakers, including CNV Internationaal’s Margot Offerijns, ranged from trade unions and civil society to multistakeholder initiatives. We thank them for sharing their valuable perspectives and insights.

It is essential to include workers’ voice in HRDD processes and the best way to do so is via trade unions. Engaging trade unions in HRDD processes presents opportunities to both international companies as well as to the trade unions themselves.

CNV Internationaal’s Margot Offerijns explained :


It gives companies the opportunity to get concrete input to make their HRDD policies impactful and effective, and it gives trade unions the opportunity to make sure the workers’ voice is rightfully represented in HRDD policies.

Together with over 170 participants, we explored different avenues to engage with stakeholders in a way that creates real impact on working conditions, at different levels within the due diligence cycle. 

Missed it?

You can still see the recording here :

Webinar OECD garment forum side session

 Meaningful stakeholder engagement is essential for OECD-aligned HRDD, particularly as we anticipate the forthcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (#CSDDD).

However, for garment brands, navigating this landscape brings forth a multitude of inquiries on how to make stakeholder engagement meaningful. 


A few takeaways: 


  1. Meaningful stakeholder engagement requires a collaborative approach between the identified stakeholders; long-lasting, meaningful impact can only be created jointly.
  2. Meaningful stakeholder engagement is centered around production country stakeholders; their knowledge and experience are essential to improving working conditions sustainably.
  3. Meaningful stakeholder engagement is a continuous process embedded throughout a brand's entire HRDD cycle.


STITCH is a partnership between 6 NGOs, trade unions and multistakeholder initiatives: CDI Vietnam, CNV Internationaal, Cividep India, Ethical Trading Initiative, Fair Wear Foundation and Mondiaal FNV. These organisations represent and connect different actors across the supply chain. 

We envision a global garment industry that contributes to an equal and just society by respecting human rights in the world of work.

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Join us as we delve into the essentials of meaningful stakeholder engagement, a key to human rights due diligence aligned with OECD guidelines and the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. 


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Publication date 22 02 2024