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Kick off decent jobs project in Cambodia

The goal is explicitly to solve problems peacefully
Kick off meeting Decent Jobs project

Addressing excessive overtime and frequent faintings

With support from the European Union, the Cambodian trade union confederation CLC and CNV Internationaal started a new project aimed at improving the employment situation for the most vulnerable workers in Cambodia, young people and working women. The project "- towards a decent job for Cambodian workers" focuses on decent jobs and the main labor rights such as normal working hours and a safe and healthy working environment, and to eliminate common abuses such as excessive overtime and frequent fainting of workers.

Focus on the rights of young and women employees

The project supports actions that promote the implementation of core labour rights and standards, including the right of workers to form associations, unions, engage in collective bargaining with a particular focus on the rights of young and women employees. The focus of the three-year project is aimed at strengthening negotiation skills. For this, union leaders and union activists will be trained by internal and external experts in knowledge of labor law, negotiation and lobbying techniques.

The project “promoting core labour standards in Cambodia, towards a decent job for Cambodian workers” is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Cambodian Labour Confederation CLC and CNV Internationaal.

The partners would like to acknowledge the generous support of the European Union in making this possible. This website article reflects the views only of the authors, and the Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Publication date 03 09 2014